$30M+ increase in Partners Sales
147+ ISVs and MSPs participating today
YoY Partner Growth from 28% up to 316%
(Partner revenue ranges from $100K-$2M+)
Orientation + Open Office Hours
Orientation is held monthly on the 3rd Thursday of the month. All Partners new to IBM will be required to attend an Orientation.
The Orientation will introduce the IBM solutions, trial licenses, cloud credits, and access to comprehensive AI libraries and API’s.
Open Office Hours — Touch Point is held the following week from orientation (the 4th Thursday of the month) for participants and our expert engineers to review questions and refine their solution and/or use case.
Boot Camp is held monthly for Partners that have completed orientation and have Identify a potential IBM Category(s)/Product(s) of interest. The purpose of the program is to focus product development to with your Ideal Customer Profile in mind or expand your current customers with cross-sell/up-sell opportunities.
In this program there are 3 modules. Each module is 1 hour weekly for 3 weeks and designed to engage with your technical personnel within your company through interactive exercises and workshops lead by technical and subject matter experts. In addition to the 3rd week of Bootcamp is focused on GTM approaches and defining your “Ideal Customer Profile.”
Module 1: Technical Enablement Workshop
- Deep Dive Presentations on IBM Solution Area(s) and Product Proficiency Badges
- IBM Training for Partnerworld Members – Training – Global
Module 2: Design Workshop
- Identify and Prioritize Use-case(s) and Solution Framing
- Business Canvas Template
- Boot Camp Homework
Module 3: GTM & Strategic Planning Workshop
BI Reporting on Target Market and Geography & Account Workbook Overview
Introduction to the Channel and Approach to Scaling Through Distribution
Product Development Boot Camp 3 Modules
Technical Enablement and Resources Alignment
Discover and Enable
Design Workshop 1
Solution Framing
GTM and Scaling Workshop 3
Scales Solutions
Boot Camp and Product Development Program
Sales Accelerator
Seven Sales Accelerator Program Modules
Embedded Sales Accelerator Program Program
Build Labs & Innovation Studio
IBM’s Build Lab provides you with technical resources, experts and support to accelerate co-creation of your solution with embedded IBM technology.
IBM Innovation Studio Helping our Partners identify opportunities for growth and impact . With a network of centers across the globe, that bring the best of IBM to you in-person, virtually or with a hybrid approach. We combine experiences and IBM’s expertise to quickly progress those opportunities from ideas to outcomes.
TD SYNNEX Digital Transformation Center
The Digital Transformation Center has been built for you, our IBM Software Business Partners, by a dedicated team of TD SYNNEX technical professionals and field solutions architects. They have designed the system and maintain the latest in software for you.
Access IBM Cloud Paks, Maximo Application Suite, Security XDR Connect, Red Hat Solutions.
Become proficient in installation and delivery best practices.
Host and extend your solutions and intellectual property.
Conduct webinars and demos for end customers.
IBM Co-Marketing
Supercharge your demand generation activities with a 3x increase in total investment for partners who grow and invest with IBM. IBM provides eligible partners with funding and resources to expand campaigns and spur marketplace demand. Whether you’re launching an integrated marketing campaign, or participating in a trade show, IBM can help.
- As an IBM Business partner, you have access to key advantages that can help you differentiate and grow your business. Co-Marketing is one of several marketing benefits available, all designed to help you effectively reach your audience and generate new leads. You can combine Co-Marketing funds with other IBM marketing benefits to save time and effort.
Funding / Marketing Tactics
- With Co-Marketing, we provide you with marketing funds to help offset the costs as you drive demand for you and IBM
when promoting products and services operating on or containing IBM products and services.
Demand Generation Activities are:
- Digital Marketing (including Digital Events)
- Customer Conference or Marketing Seminar
- Trade Show
- Advertising
- Direct Marketing
- Telemarketing
Non-Demand Generation activities include:
- Recruitment/Enablement
- Education/Certification
Incentive Offerings
- Multiple Co-Marketing Incentive Offerings are available, each aligned with specific IBM initiatives. You may be eligible for
Funds from one or more Co-Marketing Incentive Offering(s). In case of conflict between this guide and Ts&Cs, the latter
Will always prevail.
Marketing Activity Plan (MAP)
- When planning activities IBM BPs will utilize the Marketing Activity Plan (MAP).
IBM Build Co-Marketing
Drive Consumption and expansion of IBM Technology through high potential Build Partners
- Audience – High Potential Build Partners (ISVs, MSPs or Tech Partners that embed IBM technology)
- Geo Footprint – United States and Canada
- Business Units – IBM Public Cloud (including IaaS and Cloud for Financial Services)
- Co-Marketing – Proposal-based: Eligible Partners must submit their plans to be evaluated based on:
- Projected outcomes
- Strength of marketing plan
- Strategic outlook (IBM priorities)
- Budget availability
- Participation Criteria
- Active IBM PW agreement and
- Completed Integrity Training and Global Compliance Questionnaire and
- Embedded Solution Agreement (ESA)
- Active ESA with Transaction Document
- 50K SW and Cloud Channel K in the past 12 months
- Or new ESA Transaction Document starting in the past 6 months
- Co-Investment – 50% North America
- KPIs
- % Budget utilization
- $ Channel K, W (Build) and R (RHM) revenue growth. Recommendation of a minimum of 7:1 ROI for every MAP.
- # and $ New Partners transacting with IBM
Eligible Activities
- Digital Marketing – Website updates relevant to IBM Solutions, social media, case studies, etc.
- Event Marketing – Business partner proprietary events, third-party and IBM tradeshow sponsorships, signage, etc.
- Traditional Marketing – Direct marketing and distribution costs of offering content, telemarketing, advertising
IBM US National Market Structure
IBM covered accounts nationally may not be covered by size of the organization but by IBM spend.
These are typically name accounts for IBM.
IBM’s US National Market Structure breakdown:
- 1-2% Strategic Accounts
- 10% National Accounts
- 89% Enablement Focus
Module 7 – Current Customer Maintenance & Expansion
- Focused on net new customer acquisition, current customer expansion, and channel program development.
- Refresh – to modernize existing investments (Renewals, etc.)
- Recapture – to win back dormant accounts
- Retain – to lead and protect top accounts (Cross Sell/Up Sell)
- SMART Intelligence Business (IB) Report Review
- Assist with filtering information
- Going through your current customer database and reviewing their purchases and needs
- Introduction to our ServiceSolv We schedule a meeting with the leadership team for ServiceSolv.
- Each Customer Expansion wallet share is unique to each partner
- Propensity two Buy Report (Available for TD SYNNEX partners with 3 years of business or more)
- Functional Market Revenue Profile
- End user purchases through time based on internal data, purchasing activity for the identified End User across all business partners and vendors.
- IDC Submarket Classification (Ex. IT Spend, Security, etc.)
- Forward Spend for 12 month spend/budget from End user data.
- Vendor Install information.
TD SYNNEX Marketing
Marketing and Partner Advocacy Program (PAP)
Whether you need support at your local Sales events or Marketing support to execute a strategic marketing campaign, we’ve got you covered. By aligning with TD SYNNEX IBM, you have access to different marketing resources depending on the type of support you need.
Targeted Marketing Campaigns
- Designed to target new customers within your marketing proposals.
- This benefit supports marketing tactics within your marketing annual plans.
- There are multiple annual campaigns we can help support focused on specific brands within the market sectors.
- Partner Advocacy Program Consultation
- Collaborate with us on your up-coming events and activities!
- We’d like to help support your local Sales events such as, Lunch-N- Learns, Roundtables, Trainings, Webinars, Customer/Industry Board Meetings, City Council Meetings, etc.
Marketing and Support
- The more relevant your digital marketing strategy is, the more likely it is you’ll reach your intended audience at the right time with the right message.
- Our Marketing Consultants can help you evaluate and plan your digital marketing strategy and efforts such as; your marketing mix, omni-channel approach, and plan for marketing development funds.
- Partner Advocacy Program Consultation